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File Created: 28-Jul-1986 by Larry Jones (LDJ)
Last Edit:  24-Feb-1989 by Laura L. Duffett (LLD)

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Name COLBY BAY Mining Division Skeena
BCGS Map 103G059
Status Showing NTS Map 103G09W
Latitude 053º 34' 19'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 130º 15' 06'' Northing 5936626
Easting 417116
Commodities Limestone, Silica Deposit Types R09 : Limestone
R07 : Silica sandstone
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Alexander
Capsule Geology

Permian (?) or older crystalline limestone, banded and ribbon chert, and minor siltstone form a metasedimentary wedge in diorite. Pyrite is common in the carbonate. The area is faulted and folded and bedding attitudes change quickly from gentle to nearly vertical.

A band, 300 metres wide, of intermixed white and pale blue- calcium limestone and dolomite strikes 120 degrees and dips steeply southwest. About 2.4 kilometres to the northwest, a 30 metre band of similar rock strikes 127 degrees for 150 metres, dipping vertically.

EMPR OF 1987-15, p. 45; 2004-2
GSC MAP 23-1970
GSC P 70-41, p. 22
CANMET RPT *811, Part V, 1944, p. 173